Seafarers Pension Plan (SPP)

The Seafarers Pension Plan provides retirement benefits in the form of a monthly annuity to employees of signatory maritime employers who have collective bargaining agreements with the Seafarers International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters or an affiliated Union. Once a participant is vested his or her benefits are payable in the form of an annuity at normal retirement age.

Contact Us

If you need any assistance regarding your benefits:

Pension Department
5201 Capital Gateway Drive
Camp Springs, MD 20746
Phone: (800) 252-4674 (Option 2) | Fax: (301) 702-6074
Email: [email protected]

Summary Plan Description (SPD) Guide

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (06/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Annual Funding Notices

Participant Notices

Seafarers Money Purchase Pension Plan (SMPPP)

The Seafarers Money Purchase Pension Plan provides retirement benefits in multiple benefit forms to employees of signatory maritime employers who have collective bargaining agreements with the Seafarers International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters or an affiliated Union. A participant’s benefits are payable at retirement age or after the cessation his or her covered employment.

Contact Us

If you need any assistance regarding your benefits:

Member Assistance Program (MAP)
5201 Capital Gateway Drive
Camp Springs, MD 20746
Phone: (800) 252-4674 (Option 2) | Fax: (301) 702-6061
Email: [email protected]

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (06/2021) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Participant Notices

Seafarers Vacation Plan (SVP)

The Seafarers Vacation Plan provides a monetary benefit to employees of signatory maritime employers who have collective bargaining agreements with the Seafarers International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters or an affiliated Union based upon his or her service with a contracted employer.

Contact Us

If you need any assistance regarding your benefits:

Vacation-Records Department
5201 Capital Gateway Drive
Camp Springs, MD 20746
Phone: (800) 252-4674 (Option 2) | Fax: (301) 702-6072
Email: [email protected]

Summary Plan Description (SPD) Guide

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (02/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Participant Letters and General Notices

Seafarers International Union AGLIW 401(k) Plan

The Seafarers International Union AGLIW 401(k) Plan provides retirement benefits in multiple benefit forms to employees of signatory maritime employers who have collective bargaining agreements with the Seafarers International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters or an affiliated Union. It is funded by employee contributions only. Participants benefits are payable at retirement age or after the cessation his or her covered employment.

Contact Us

If you need any assistance regarding your benefits:

Member Assistance Program (MAP)
5201 Capital Gateway Drive
Camp Springs, MD 20746
Phone: (800) 252-4674 (Option 2) | Fax: (301) 702-6061
Email: [email protected]

Empower Retirement
Phone: (800) 743-5274

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide To Your Benefits (06/2021) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Fund Profiles and Fees Disclosure

Participant Notices

Seafarers Health and Benefits Plan (SHBP)

The Seafarers Health and Benefits Plan provides medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage to employees of signatory maritime employers who have collective bargaining agreements with the Seafarers International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes and Inland Waters or an affiliated Union and their dependent(s).

Contact Us

If you need any assistance regarding your benefits:

SHBP Claims Department
45353 St. Georges Avenue
Piney Point, MD 20674
Phone: (800) 252-4674 (Option 3) | Fax: (301) 994-0116
Email: [email protected]

Seafarers Addictions Rehabilitation Center

For information about the Seafarers Addictions Rehabilitation Center (SARC), see

Core-Plus and Core Benefits

Provider Directory

Medical and dental coverage is provided through Cigna:

Phone: (800) 768-4695 (Medical) | Phone: (800) 797-3381 (Dental)

Online: (Medical):

Online (Dental):

Prescription drug coverage is provided through OptumRx:

Phone: (800) 356-3477

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (07/2023) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

COVID-19 Benefits

Participant Notices

SHBP Participants Who Reside in Puerto Rico

Provider Directory

Medical and dental coverage is provided through MCS for Puerto Rico residents:

Phone: 787.281.2800 (local) | 1.888.758.1616 (toll free)


Prescription drug coverage is provided through OptumRx for non-residents and residents of Puerto Rico:

Phone: (800) 356-3477

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (05/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

Participant Notices

Plan Level S Benefits

Provider Directory

Medical and dental coverage is provided through Cigna:

Phone: (800) 768-4695 (Medical) | Phone: (800) 797-3381 (Dental)

Prescription drug coverage is provided through OptumRx:

Phone: (800) 356-3477

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (01/2022) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

COVID-19 Benefits

Participant Notices

SHBP Participants Who Reside in Puerto Rico

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (05/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Pensioner Benefits

Provider Directory

Medical and dental coverage is provided through Cigna for Non-Medicare Eligible Pensioners:

Phone: (800) 768-4695 (Medical) | Phone: (800) 797-3381 (Dental)

Prescription drug coverage is provided through OptumRx:

Phone: (800) 356-3477

Medical coverage may be provided for Medicare Eligible Pensioners through Medicare:

Phone: (800) 633-4227 (Medical)

Prescription drug coverage is provided for Medicare Eligible Pensioners through Retire RxCare:

Retiree RxCare
Phone: (855) 693-3921 (Prescription)

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (06/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

COVID-19 Benefits

Participant Notices

SHBP Participants Who Reside in Puerto Rico

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (05/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Unlicensed Apprentices Benefits

Provider Directory

Medical and dental coverage is provided through Cigna:

Phone: (800) 768-4695 (Medical) | Phone: (800) 797-3381 (Dental)

Prescription drug coverage is provided through OptumRx:

Phone: (800) 356-3477

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (05/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

Applications and Forms

Summary Annual Report

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

COVID-19 Benefits

Participant Notices

SHBP Participants Who Reside in Puerto Rico

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

  • A Guide to Your Benefits (05/2024) (Please note there may have been changes to the Plan since this guide was published. If you have any questions, please contact the Plan office.)

HIPAA Privacy Rules

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a comprehensive federal law which established standards and requirements for the electronic transmission of medical claims and mandated the adoption of privacy rules to protect the confidentiality of personal health information.

The purpose of HIPAA’s privacy rules is to safeguard “Protected Health Information” that is shared between hospitals, doctors’ offices, and health plans. The HIPAA Privacy Rules give Plan participants more control over their health information, limit the use and release of health or claim records, and establish appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of health information. The Seafarers Health and Benefits Plan Notice of Privacy Practices is available on this site (see links below).

The notice/forms linked on the bottom half of this page have been drafted to meet the needs of Plan participants with regard to some of the newly adopted Plan procedures and practices. These forms are intended to assist you with regard to the processing of medical claims. Please feel free to download them for your use or the use of your family members.

  • Notice of Privacy Practices (PDF)
  • Authorization to Release Health Information (PDF)
  • Authorization to Release Health Information to Port Official (PDF)
  • Power of Attorney for Health Care Claims (PDF)
  • Request to Inspect and/or Copy Protected Health Information (PDF)
  • Request for an Accounting of Disclosures of Protected Health Information (PDF)
  • Request for Confidential Communications (PDF)
  • Request for Restrictions on Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information (PDF)
  • Request to Amend Protected Health Information (PDF)