The U.S. Coast Guard posted the following update on March 30. It’s available on the agency’s website HERE.
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) – Update #2
This notice outlines operational changes at the National Maritime Center (NMC) due to COVID-19. All 17 Regional Examination Centers (REC) and 3 Monitoring Units (MU) remain closed to the public until further notice. A transition to telework and shift-work is being implemented to balance mission-essential credential services with the need for a safe, “social distance” working environment for all employees. Please note the following key changes.
Customer Service Center: Is now open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST, Monday through Thursday. Reach the call center at 1-888-IASKNMC (427-5662) or [email protected].
Continue to use e-mail or live chat for general questions.
Electronic Mariner Applications & Awaiting Information: Due to the temporary closure and reduced manning of RECs/MUs, we are unable to process mailed or faxed applications. Please submit all applications and pending awaiting information via e-mail using the electronic submission process only. Mailed documents will be subject to delays. Submission guidance is located on the NMC website. Electronic submissions will only be accepted in PDF format; other formats such as .gif, .zip, or camera images will not be accepted.
User Fees: Due to the temporary closure and reduced manning of RECs/MUs, we are unable to process cash, check, or money order fee payments. User fees must be paid using Include a scanned copy of your payment receipt with your application submission.
Mariner Records & Applications: All Federal Record Centers are closed due to COVID-19 and the NMC is unable to retrieve legacy mariner service records. Mariner applicants should ensure all necessary supporting documentation is contained in the electronic application.
The NMC understands this reduction in service may affect our industry customers and stakeholders, and we apologize for any potential inconvenience.
/K. R. Martin/
Kirsten R. Martin
Captain, U.S. Coast Guard
Commanding Officer
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