The AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated, issued the following statement on Feb. 10. SIU Secretary-Treasurer David Heindel represented the union at the gathering.
AFL-CIO Officers’ Statement on Meeting with Lula of Brazil
Statement from AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler and AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond on today’s meeting with President Lula:
“It was a privilege to host President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil in our nation’s capital today for a discussion with the AFL-CIO and union leadership. Lula has spent his entire life fighting for the working class as both a union and political leader. He knows the future of Brazil and the United States depends on dismantling systemic inequality, building worker power, and fighting racial and economic injustice.
“The significance of today’s meeting is heightened as a momentous step forward in the long-standing bond between our two movements. Four years ago, while Lula was wrongfully imprisoned, the late AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka traveled to the country’s federal police building to demand justice and organize for Lula’s release.
“We stood by him then and we will continue to stand alongside Lula, his Workers’ Party and the Brazilian labor movement in their fight to defend democracy and build a better world for working people.”
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