Seafarers Log
Editor’s note: The following news item is from the Apostleship of the Sea: The Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America (AOS-USA) through its administrative board wishes to recognize and commend the heroic and dedicated service of our U.S. Merchant Mariners and our Jones Act tanker fleet…
Seafarers Log
The SIU enjoyed some time in the spotlight Oct. 25 in New York City, as personnel from throughout the U.S. maritime industry gathered for the 55th Annual Admiral of the Ocean Sea (AOTOS) Awards, hosted by the United Seamen’s Service (USS). Receiving the AOTOS Awards were SIU Executive Vice President…
Seafarers Log
International Solidarity Having just returned from the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s 46th Global Congress, I am as mindful as ever about the critical need for the SIU to remain engaged with our fellow trade unionists around the world. Our union’s affiliation with the ITF is one of our most important…
Seafarers Log
After some delays, a new piece of pro-maritime legislation authored by U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Arizona) and U.S. Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Florida) has been named and scheduled for introduction. The bipartisan bill, now titled the Ships for America Act, is planned to be submitted in November, sometime after Election Day.…
Seafarers Log
SIU members are sailing aboard the newly reflagged ARC Endeavor, which entered the U.S. registry Sept. 27 in Baltimore. “On behalf of the entire union, I credit ARC for their ongoing commitment to our industry,” stated SIU President David Heindel. “I am as confident as always that SIU members will…
Seafarers Log
New tonnage for the SIU is on the horizon, following an early October communication from Seafarers-contracted Matson. The company announced the start of construction on the first of three new “Aloha Class” containerships eventually destined for Matson’s Hawaii and China-Long Beach Express (CLX) services. After a small ceremony at Philly…
Seafarers Log
Following a three-day work stoppage, members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) returned to work Oct. 4 and also headed back to the bargaining table. According to a joint statement by both parties, issued on Oct. 3: “The International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. have reached…
Seafarers Log
SIU officials helped map out vital strategies for the world’s seafarers during the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ITF) 46th Global Congress, which took place Oct. 13-19 in Marrakech, Morocco. During the gathering, SIU President David Heindel was re-elected as Chair of the ITF Seafarers’ Section. Among the SIU personnel joining…
Seafarers Log
Editor’s note: The Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center (NMC) distributed the following bulletin on Oct. 10. Both the announcement and the related policy letter are linked on the SIU website and on the agency’s website. For eligible Seafarers, these changes essentially mean that it should be possible to complete all…
Seafarers Log
After completing a two-week course at the Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education (PHC) in Piney Point, Maryland, seven bosuns achieved a major milestone in their educational journeys with the SIU. Adiener Alfaro, Julio Cesar Alvarez, Alfie Cicat, Kelvin Johnson, Mario Ordonez, Edward Tennyson, and John Walsh concluded…