With SIU President David Heindel seated near the podium, President Biden on July 20 offered supportive remarks about both the union and America’s freight cabotage law during a speech at Philly Shipyard (which employs union workers).
Biden was there to help celebrate the ceremonial start of construction of the first offshore wind vessel of its kind (a scour ship, the Acadia) to be Made in America and Jones Act-compliant. The vessel, which will place rocks on the seabed to secure the base for offshore wind turbines, is being constructed for Seafarers-contracted Great Lakes Dredge and Dock. With hundreds of unionized workers in attendance, Biden noted that the SIU will provide shipboard manpower when the vessel is completed. He mentioned that several other unions will be involved in the ship’s construction.
He also stated, “Some folks may not know, there was a law in 1920 called the Jones Act that was passed. It says ships travelling between U.S. ports have to be American-built, American-owned and have American crews. There are some who are content to rely on ships built overseas, without American crews to operate them. Again, not on my watch. We’re strengthening American shipbuilding, supporting good union jobs, and bringing offshore-wind supply chains back home.”
Heindel met with Biden before the ceremony.
“I thanked the president for his support of the Jones Act and the U.S. Merchant Marine. I also thanked him for bringing good union jobs for the wind industry,” Heindel stated.
During the ceremony, Biden talked about “the progress we’ve made building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up.”
He said unions “built the middle class, and it changed the economic direction of this country.” Turning his attention to recent job growth, Biden cited “over 13 million new jobs built across the country and nearly half a million of them here in Pennsylvania just in the last two-and-a-half years. Eight hundred-thousand manufacturing jobs (created in the U.S.), 28,000 here in Pennsylvania alone in the last two-and-a-half years. That’s more jobs in two years than any president has created in a four-year term. Unemployment is below 4 percent – the longest stretch of unemployment below 4 percent in the last 50 years. We’re beginning to come back, folks. We can because we’re giving workers a chance.”
The president also said that his “Investing in America agenda is bringing our clean energy supply chains home. Since I took office, we’ve seen more than $16 billion in new offshore wind investments, including 18 offshore wind vessels, 12 manufacturing facilities, and 13 ports. Today, we announced the first-ever offshore wind sale in the Gulf of Mexico. We’re going to the Gulf…. Across the Delaware River in Paulsboro, New Jersey, workers are welding the steel foundation for another large-scale wind project. That’s going to create more than 3,000 good-paying jobs. A project off the coast of New York will use a vessel built in the shipyards of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and rely on an electrical substation engineered in Kansas and made in Texas.”
He added, “All this investment means good-paying jobs here at home. We’re making sure these new jobs come free and fair and (with) the ability to join a union if you’re not already in one. I made a commitment that I’d be the most pro-union president in American history – and I’m keeping that promise.”
Expanding on that commitment, Biden said he routinely tells business leaders that “union workers are the best in the world…. You do the job right, and long-term, it costs (management) less than non-union labor.”
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