The Department of Labor issued the following news release on March 30.
Labor Secretary Perez’s statement on US Supreme Court ruling in
Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association
U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez issued the following statement on today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association
“Today’s Supreme Court ruling is an important victory for public employees, for their right to have a voice at work, for their right to stand together and speak up for the things that matter to them, their families and their communities.
“The court’s 4-4 decision in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association affirms longstanding precedent that, for decades, has enabled teachers, police officers, fire fighters, EMTs, social workers and others to come together and bargain collectively for better wages, benefits and working conditions.
“Unions have enabled public sector employees to secure a foothold in the middle class. But those public servants have faced a powerful headwind in recent years. Despite a robust economic recovery, government employment hasn’t rebounded as private sector jobs have.
“These are our friends and neighbors. They do tough and often thankless work – and they aren’t getting rich doing it. They do so much to give us stronger schools, safer streets and more vibrant communities. In return for their heroic efforts every day to support us, they should be able to support their own families.
“Today’s ruling will mean greater economic stability for millions of families. It’s a critical step toward creating shared prosperity and a balanced economy that works for everyone.”
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