Editor’s note: The questionnaire mentioned in the original post below is now available HERE, in PDF format
Safety remains at the forefront as the SIU announces the reopening of its hiring halls beginning June 15 (a Monday). Pandemic-related modifications have been made at the halls, including extensive cleanings, installation of dividers, shipments of PPE for members and staff, rearranging seats to promote social distancing, and more. Members will need to wear a face covering when entering the building. If you do not have a mask, there will be a limited amount available at the halls, though we ask that you refrain from depleting that supply if at all avoidable.
Additionally, visitors must bring a completed medical questionnaire (which will be made available on our website) with them when they arrive at a hall.
The reopening signals an initial step in the transition back to (eventually) business as usual. Each hall will of course comply with state and local regulations regarding COVID-19. In some halls, for example, there may be limits on the number of occupants.
In an effort to keep the numbers down in the halls during this transition of reopening, members should be aware that even after June 15, registration and reclaims can still be done by phone, temporarily. Regular job calls will take place for rotary shipping, and general business can be conducted at the halls (filing for vacation benefits, beefs, etc.).
Guidelines are being sent from headquarters to the halls to help ensure safety and, to the extent possible, a level of uniformity. In that spirit, members are encouraged to remain at the halls only for as long as it takes to wrap up their business. Please do not bring family members or guests until further notice.
Vessel servicing also will resume on June 15, notwithstanding the possibility of restricted access in some ports. Additionally, SIU headquarters is increasing staffing on June 15. Members will need an appointment to enter the building.
We plan to make announcements in the near future concerning Piney Point (Paul Hall Center) and also the July membership meetings.
Thank you for your continued patience, flexibility and perseverance as we all forge ahead.
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