The AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated, has issued the following news item. AFL-CIO Announces Ad Buy Targeting Over 2.5 Million Pivotal Union Voters in Battleground States The targeted digital and streaming ads featuring union members focus on reaching infrequent, swing union voters who will be pivotal in victories…
From the MTD, to which the SIU is affiliated: The Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO, unequivocally stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of the International Longshoremen’s Association as their contract nears expiration. Much has already been written and aired about how a potential job action would affect the flow…
If the strike does in fact occur, SIU members may call 1-800-SEA-CREW (732-2739) if you have questions about how the job action might affect your particular job, vessel or voyage. That number is manned from 08:00-17:00. The SIU's original statement follows: As you probably know, there is a strong possibility…
The AFL-CIO issued the following news release earlier this week. The SIU joins in celebrating Brother Lucy's life and in mourning his passing. He was a decades-long friend of the union. Labor Movement Celebrates Extraordinary Life and Career of Bill Lucy (Washington, D.C., Sept. 25, 2024)—Today, AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler…
The National Maritime Center has issued the following communication: Unapproved Courses at Gulf Coast Maritime Academy An investigation by the Coast Guard has revealed that between January 2018 and November 2023, Gulf Coast Maritime Academy (GCMA), located near Tampa, FL, failed to provide proper instruction in all Basic Firefighting, Basic…
From the AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated: AFL-CIO President Warns House Republicans Against Interfering in Longshoremen’s Fight for a Fair Contract AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler: 'The fight for a fair contract for longshoremen is the entire labor movement’s fight.' Text of Letter (PDF) (Washington, D.C.)—In a new letter…
As you probably know, there is a strong possibility that our brothers and sisters from the International Longshoremen’s Association will go on strike beginning Tuesday, October 1. The SIU of course will honor the job action and will not cross any ILA picket lines, and we stand in solidarity with…
The following news release was issued by the AFL-CIO on September 24. AFL-CIO Enters Historic Partnership with U.S. National Science Foundation First-of-Its-Kind Partnership Will Serve as Model for Bringing Workers into STEM Research and Innovation As part of our mission to ensure that worker perspectives are included in STEM research…
The following news release was issued by the National Maritime Center on September 24. Customer Service Center (CSC) – Extended Operating Hours We understand that contacting the National Maritime Center (NMC) CSC can sometimes be challenging, especially during peak hours. To better assist you, effective September 30, 2024, the NMC…
General Dynamics NASSCO, a union shipyard, has issued the following news item. The new ship's crew will include members of the SIU Government Services Division. General Dynamics NASSCO Christens & Launches the USNS Lucy Stone (T-AO 209) General Dynamics NASSCO christened and launched the USNS Lucy Stone (T-AO 209), the fifth ship…