From the Press Associates Union News Service: By Mark Gruenberg PAI Staff Writer WASHINGTON (PAI) – A near-record seven out of every ten Americans support unions, the latest annual Gallup Poll on the popularity of the labor movement reports. And, in another indication of the backing unions have, the gap…
The following news release was issued by the USCG on August 28. Exemption from Fees Associated with Merchant Mariner Credential Applications for Active Duty and Selected Reserve Members of the Uniformed Services On August 6, 2024, the Coast Guard published a final rule titled Exemption for Active-Duty Uniformed Service Members…
The AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated, has issued the following news item. SIU Secretary-Treasurer Tom Orzechowski attended the event. AFL-CIO President Shuler: ‘The Road to the White House Runs Through America’s Union Halls’ In her second annual Labor Day speech, President Shuler highlighted the crucial role that the…
The U.S. Department of Defense's Transportation Command has issued the following news release. SIU Executive Vice President Augie Tellez, quoted in the article, is the labor representative on the Sealift Executive Working Group. PINEY POINT, Md. -- The Seafarers International Union (SIU) hosted the Sealift Executive Working Group (SEWG) at…
The AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated, issued the following news item on Aug. 22: AFL-CIO on Kamala Harris Accepting Nomination for President: Bold Agenda ‘Ushers in a New Era of Opportunity for All Working People’ Tonight, following Vice President Kamala Harris’s acceptance of the Democratic Party nomination for…
The U.S. Coast Guard's National Maritime Center has issued the following communication: Important Information for Mariners Contacting the Customer Service Center We understand that contacting the National Maritime Center (NMC) Customer Service Center (CSC) can sometimes be challenging, especially during peak hours. To better assist you, we offer several alternatives:…
Several multi-agency Maritime Advisories have been issued in the past few days. The most recent one appears below. All of them are linked on the U.S. Maritime Administration website HERE. 2024-009-Strait of Hormuz, and Gulf of Oman-Iranian Illegal Boarding / Detention / Seizure Description U.S. Maritime Advisory 2024-009 Geographic Location:…
Statement from AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler on the two-year anniversary of the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): In the two years since the Biden–Harris administration signed it into law, the Inflation Reduction Act has continued to live up to its promise. The IRA has proven that climate action…
The U.S. Coast Guard's National Maritime Center issued the following notice on Aug. 12: Updated Merchant Mariner Credential and MMC-related Documentation E-mail Submission Instructions The National Maritime Center (NMC) has established a centralized e-mail inbox for the submission of certain merchant mariner credential (MMC) applications to streamline the MMC application…
From the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), to which the SIU is affiliated: Pakistan transport unions defend Karachi Dock Labor Board, protecting 2,700 dockers’ jobs – but brace for struggle to continue Dockers mobilizing in Pakistan have saved the Karachi Dock Labor Board (KDLB) – and with it, the jobs,…