The American Merchant Marine Veterans (AMMV) has issued the following news item. As indicated in the release, the SIU contributed to the memorial. Numerous SIU members took part in the D-Day operation. Unveiling of a New Monument on Utah Beach Honoring U.S. Merchant Mariners’ Actions during in D-Day NORMANDY, FRANCE…
Two separate Memorial Day events in the nation’s capital included recognition for the U.S. Merchant Marine of World War II. Pictured at the Memorial Amphitheater are PHC Acting VP Pat Vandegrift, PHC Apprentices Eliot Randal, Avery Sneed, Evan Smith and Luis Sanchez, and PHC Trainee Commandant John Romer. The SIU…
The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), to which the SIU is affiliated, recently posted the following news item. ITF Seafarers' Section Chair David Heindel, quoted in the article, also serves as president of the SIU. To access the release on the ITF website, click or tap HERE. The International Transport…
The SIU and its affiliated Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education (PHC) played noteworthy roles in this year’s National Maritime Day ceremony at U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) headquarters in the nation’s capital. SIU President David Heindel SIU President David Heindel was a featured speaker at the May…
From the White House: Our Nation’s merchant mariners embody the highest aspirations of our democracy, always answering our country’s call with commitment and courage. Today, we honor their service and sacrifice. Together, we recommit to meeting our sacred obligation to care for them and their families. Unbreaking and unbending in…
SIU President David Heindel is scheduled to speak at this year’s National Maritime Day event (Wednesday, May 22) hosted at U.S. Department of Transportation headquarters in the nation’s capital. Apprentices from the SIU-affiliated Paul Hall Center for Maritime Training and Education also will take part in the ceremony. The ceremony…
The ITF Seafarers’ Trust has launched a confidential survey about shore leave “so we can get a real picture of what the issues and challenges around shore leave are.” The information from the survey will help the ITF facilitate access to shore leave and services for mariners, the federation noted…
SIU Vice President Bryan Powell and SIU Political Director Brian Schoeneman recently took part in a high-level conference at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) aimed at implementing a national maritime strategy. The gathering, co-sponsored by the Secretary of the Navy and the Maritime Administration (MARAD), took place May 15-17…
From the AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated: AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler released the following statement on the Mercedes-Benz workers’ unionization vote for UAW in Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Today, the entire AFL-CIO family stands with the workers and organizers in Tuscaloosa. They put their heart and soul into the fight…
From the AFL-CIO, to which the SIU is affiliated: AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler on the Release of a Bipartisan Framework on Artificial Intelligence The AFL-CIO is committed to a future in which workers and their unions shape the future of work, especially as the development and deployment of artificial intelligence…