Article and photos courtesy of the Seafarers-affiliated American Maritime Officers. Top photo includes Bosun Damon Zschoche and AB Roni Castillo. Maersk Peary saves a life during multinational search and rescue operation By Captain Everett HattonMaster, Maersk PearyOn the evening of December 22 at 2030 local time while Maersk Peary was…
Following is the text of a new memorandum of understanding between the SIU and Intrepid Personnel and Provisioning. For a PDF copy, click HERE. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEENINTREPID PERSONNEL & PROVISIONING (IPP)&SEAFARERS INTERNATIONAL UNION (SIU) Effective January 1, 2022, in an effort to accommodate the Seafarers working aboard commercial vessels…
For precautionary reasons, SIU headquarters will be closed beginning Thursday, Dec. 23, and will reopen Monday, Jan. 3. If that schedule changes, we’ll post updates. Please note that all vacation applications that were on hand have been processed (checks have been mailed or soon will be), and any that arrive…
The hiring hall in Jersey City, New Jersey, is closed until Monday, Dec. 27, for precautionary reasons. The hall is reachable by phone during regular business hours. ###
The following is a statement from West Virginia AFL-CIO President Josh Sword on Senator Joe Manchin’s position on the Build Back Better Act: “Throughout Joe Manchin’s tenure in public service, he has brought opposing parties together to reach compromises on the most controversial of measures, and while he has said…
The following bulletin was issued by the U.S. Coast Guard on December 17. It can also be viewed here. MSIB: Reporting sexual assaults on U.S. vessels The Coast Guard Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy has published Marine Safety Information Bulletin 11-21 “Reporting Sexual Assaults on U.S. Vessels” to emphasize that sexual assault…
The following news release was issued by the National Maritime Center on December 16. Credentials Lost Due to Recent Midwest Tornadoes In accordance with federal regulations, duplicate Merchant Mariner Credentials may be issued free of charge to mariners whose credentials were lost or destroyed as a result of recent tornadoes…
From the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), to which the SIU is affiliated. ITF Seafarers' Section Chair David Heindel, quoted in the article, also services as secretary-treasurer of the SIU. Shipping industry, unions launch fresh quarantine program to combat Omicron crew crunch 16 December 2021, London Shipowners, seafarer unions and…
The following news release was issued by the Maritime Administration on December 15. U.S. Department of Transportation and Maritime Administration Release Plan to Resume Sea Year with Mandatory Safety Standards Today, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Maritime Administration (MARAD) released new safety standards to govern the U.S.…
The following news release jointly was issued by Philly Shipyard and TOTE Services. SIU Executive Vice President Augie Tellez attended the ceremony. National Security Multi-Mission Vessel Achieves Construction Milestone with Keel Laying PHILADELPHIA, December 10, 2021 – TOTE Services, LLC, (“TOTE Services”) an affiliate of TOTE, LLC (“TOTE Group”) today…